
Please pray for discipleship teams in Nepal

With prayer, persistence, and a God-given vision, disciple-makers are doing great things in Nepal.

Christians in Nepal face extreme resistance and opposition. Chetan, the regional leader for Global Disciples, tells us: “With spiritual training, we must humble ourselves and serve. We spend much of our time in prayer.”

Thank you for taking the time to pray for men and women bringing the Good News of Jesus to people of Nepal who have been forgotten and ignored.

Continue to pray for Nepal.

We’re not asking you to go to the mission field…

We’re asking you to pray

faithfully asking God to raise up men and women in their own country to disciple their family, friends and neighbours.

We’re asking you to give financially

to equip church leaders to plant churches – but more than that, to help them establish a small business to financially support the church. Faithfully asking God to raise up men and women in their own country to disciple their family, friends and neighbours.

We’re asking you to tell the story of Jesus

in your home, among your friends and community. Our blog is filled with stories of miraculous encounters with God – share your story with us. Our God is an amazing God.