Two women in indigenous Maya market in Chichicastenango
Barque, Transport du quinquina, Cinchona officinalis, Qunine, Lac Kivu, République démocratique du Congo, Rwanda

The Circle of Silence

Mayan woman weaving a textile in the region of Oaxaca, Mexico

Every gift God motivates sows the seeds of the Good News and it, in its time, yields fruit.

Your gift of $180 provides training and support for 1 disciple-maker for three months.

The Circle of Silence

Defined by 9 regions in central Mexico, the Circle of Silence has long been ignored. The people of the region worship a hodge podge of gods, ancient traditions and Catholic rites. Witchcraft and the belief in evil spirits are hard to fight. The people are driven by fear, terrified the spirits will turn on them.

Recently, we prayed for a baby. He received healing and his parents took him home. But traditions die hard and his grandmother brought him to a local witchdoctor. When our team visited them, she broke down, sobbing. She had fallen into her past sins of idolatry and witchcraft.

Our God is faithful and merciful. Today, the grandmother rejoices—she is a true daughter of the living God.

Continue to pray for the disciple-makers God is calling into enemy territory. Pray they would be confident in the power of God to keep them safe. Pray they would boldly share the message of Jesus, freeing the people from idolatry.

Read our November 2024 Appeal