  • Why Discipleship

    Why Discipleship

    "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
    - Jesus' words in Matthew 28:19-20

  • Partnerships


    "And my God will liberally supply your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
    - Phillipians 4:19

  • Why Discipleship


    Why Discipleship

    "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
    - Jesus' words in Matthew 28:19-20

  • Partnerships



    "And my God will liberally supply your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
    - Phillipians 4:19

  • Join the Mission


    Join the Mission

    With your help we are able to train leaders living near least-reached communities to multiply disciples.

Worship is more than an act; it’s a deep, resonant connection with the divine, fostered through heartfelt expressions and scriptural foundations. The Bible, rich with verses that encourage and describe worship, serves as a vital resource for believers seeking to deepen their relationship with God. These worship scriptures guide personal devotion and enhance communal and missional engagements. As Global Disciples Canada continues its mission to train leaders near least-reached communities, the power of scriptural worship becomes increasingly apparent, offering both strength and inspiration. 

This article explores key scriptures that underline the essence of worship, demonstrating their practical and transformative impact on ministry. Join us as we delve into the biblical roots of worship, uncovering how these sacred texts support the spreading of the Good News across the globe.

The Foundation of Worship in Scripture

At the core of biblical worship is the acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty and holiness. Deuteronomy 6:4-5 serves as a cornerstone, urging believers to “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” This call to wholehearted devotion sets the stage for a life of worship, emphasizing that worship begins with a profound respect and love for God, permeating every aspect of one’s life.

Expressions of Worship Throughout the Psalms

The Book of Psalms, often referred to as the hymnbook of the Bible, offers extensive insights into the practice of worship. Psalms like Psalm 95:1-2, “Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song,” exemplify the jubilant, communal celebration of God’s presence and acts. These verses not only encourage vocal and musical praise but emphasize a joyful, communal response to God’s providence and kingship.

Psalms also discuss the more introspective and solemn aspects of worship. Psalm 51, for instance, portrays worship as a repentant and contrite heart before God, where the psalmist David expresses deep remorse for his sins and seeks purification. This indicates that true worship also involves humility, self-reflection, and the desire for personal transformation—a theme that resonates deeply within the training programs of Global Disciples Canada.

Worship as a Lifestyle in New Testament Teachings

In the New Testament, worship extends beyond specific acts into a lifestyle of dedication to God. Romans 12:1 declares, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” This passage revolutionizes worship, presenting it as a daily life lived in accordance with God’s will rather than confined to moments of singing or prayer. Such a perspective is vital for missionaries who often find themselves in challenging environments, indicating that every act of service in the name of Jesus is an act of worship.

Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:23-24) further emphasizes that “true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth.” This passage highlights the importance of an authentic heart in worship, free from geographical or traditional constraints, focused on a genuine, spirit-led relationship with God.

Worship and Mission: Extending Beyond Borders

The relationship between worship and mission is pivotal. Acts 16:25 illustrates Paul and Silas praying and singing hymns to God in prison, an act of worship that leads to a miraculous jailbreak and the conversion of the jailer and his family. This incident shows that worship can serve as a powerful testimony of faith, often leading to evangelistic opportunities and impacting those who do not yet know Christ.

Furthermore, worship empowers missionaries by aligning their efforts with God’s power and presence. As they engage in worship, they are reminded of the reasons behind their mission—the love and mercy of God, which they are called to share with all nations. This alignment is crucial in maintaining spiritual vitality and keeping the mission aligned with God’s purpose, especially in contexts that are challenging or resistant to the Gospel.

Global Disciples Canada prioritizes this intertwining of worship and mission in its training programs, allowing leaders to experience and understand the transformative power of worship, not only in their personal lives but also in their ministries.

Embracing Worship to Transform the World

The scriptures provide a profound foundation for worship as a pivotal element of the Christian faith and missionary work. By integrating worship into every aspect of life, believers stand as beacons of God’s love, spreading His message through a lived expression of faith and obedience. At Global Disciples Canada, we are dedicated to empowering leaders who embody this spirit of worship, equipping them to reach out to the least reached with not only the Gospel but also the compelling testimony of their worship-driven lives.

Global Disciples Canada is a Christian mission organization that trains local leaders living near to reach least-reached communities to multiply disciples for Christ. One third of our world hasn’t heard the Good News of Jesus. Yet, Global Disciples refers to these as “least-reached” people, and fewer than 10% of all missionaries work among these groups. We live in a time where many of these people are within reach of a local church. Through our simple and effective strategy of training and coaching, believers share the Gospel in their own nations and cultures. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” and we’re committed to doing just that. If you are looking for a Christian mission organization to partner with to become a better disciple and help make disciples, connect with us today!

Sometimes the path to faith in Jesus is a hard one. But God is in the business of shaping journeys and changing hearts, as you’ll discover in Husna’s story.

When Husna came to a Global Disciples‘ discipleship-mission training in North India, she had a story to tell. Her path to faith in Jesus Christ was not an easy one.

Husna grew up in a Sikh family, zealous for her faith, and devoted to one of the leading gurus in her religion. Then her grandfather, also a Sikh, became very sick, and every doctor they went to see said he wouldn’t survive.

However, a follower of Jesus met Husna’s family and shared about Jesus and His love for them. The Lord touched Husna’s grandmother first; she went to church and placed her faith in Jesus as Savior. Soon, the rest of the family also put their faith in Christ.

All except Husna. She stubbornly refused, going her own way, clinging to Sikhism. Then she too became sick and nothing helped.

Her family prayed for her and shared the Gospel, the pastor visited too, but she still resisted. Only when she was healed did she reluctantly go along to church.

But her change of heart didn’t last long. Husna went back to her old ways even though they didn’t bring her peace or happiness.

Several times she tried to commit suicide. Once she jumped into a deep canal, but some people passing by pulled her out. Another time, she took poison but her family found her, called the pastor, and prayed for her. And God saved her life. This time she gave her life fully to Jesus, and committed to serving Him.

When Husna had the opportunity to take the discipleship-mission training, she leaped at the chance! Through it, God worked in her once rebellious heart, and her commitment deepened. Husna said, “In this training, God has blessed me, made me strong in my faith, and called me to serve Him to the end of my life.”

And God is keeping His Word to Husna. She has married another Christ-follower, and now they serve as church planters among many unreached people in North India.

Praise God for His wonderful work in Husna’s life and the many who were part of her faith journey.

Global Disciples Canada is a Christian mission organization that trains local leaders living near least-reached communities to multiply disciples for Christ. One-third of our world hasn’t heard the Good News of Jesus. Yet. Global Disciples refers to these as “least-reached” people, and fewer than 10% of all missionaries work among these groups. We live in a time where many of these people are within reach of a local church. Through our simple and effective strategy of training and coaching, believers share the Gospel in their own nations and cultures. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” and we’re committed to doing just that. If you are looking for a Christian mission organization to partner with to become a better disciple and help make disciples, connect with us today!

Annual Equipping Events refresh and empower leaders who often work alone or with limited resources in challenging settings. God often meets those who were close to giving up and renews their spirit and vision to carry on. Global Disciples is committed to empowering leaders through discipleship training.

“Glory be to God for the grace to be part of Global Disciples discipleship training, and for the good teaching I received.”

Bodo’s Story

Bodo directs a Global Disciples training in leadership and small business development in his homeland of Chad. He eagerly gave testimony, praising God for His work.

“We multiplied our outreach activities,” Bodo continued, “and planted three new churches last year, including one in December with 76 new believers. Our small business supports our mission work. Global Disciples training has changed my life, the life of my family, and my community.”

Bodo is one of the men and women directing over 3,000 discipleship-mission and small business development programs in partnership with Global Disciples.

Training With Global Disciples

From January through early April, program directors in a region gather for Annual Equipping Events or AEEs. Our regional Global Disciples staff leads three days of Bible teaching, skill building, prayer, worship, and relational coaching.

Annual Equipping Events refresh leaders who often work alone or with limited resources in challenging settings. Frequently, directors will say they were close to giving up, but God met them at the event, refueling them to carry on his work. Leaders who spend so much time pouring into the lives of others come and receive encouragement from God’s Word. And also, from their peers who understand the joys and struggles. Their vision is renewed and occasionally redirected.

Remi’s Story

That was Remi’s experience. He attended an Annual Equipping Event in Cameroon and said, “Before this event last year, the Holy Spirit highlighted a village where He wanted me to take the Gospel. But I kept resisting and giving all sorts of excuses. Then I came here and heard a lesson on joining the Holy Spirit in his mission—I repented and decided to obey!”

When Remi visited this village, he prayed for a woman with a severe wound. God healed her, and she surrendered her life to Jesus. This news reached the chief who objected to Remi’s presence, but then he also heard the Good News, accepted Christ, and soon, a church was planted with 35 new believers!

Alex’s Experience With Global Disciples

Alex, in Rwanda, commented on the role of Annual Equipping Events. “Every time I attend this event, I am encouraged and refreshed. My life has changed since I came to Global Disciples training, and our ministry has grown so much. Global Disciples equips us leaders for multiplication, and the strategy for mentoring is fruitful.”

In his testimony, he shared how his training helped them to continue multiplying during the pandemic, using small groups and house churches. In a recent outreach, his team saw 505 people come to faith in Christ!

Annual Equipping Events serve a strategic purpose in the Global Disciples approach to training.

A program director isn’t left alone to sink or swim. In fact, hey are built up, encouraged, blessed, prayed for, and renewed in heart, skills, and vision by attending these events. They experience God’s empowering work for the next season of training and outreach to least-reached people.

Global Disciples Canada is a Christian mission organization that trains local leaders living near least-reached communities to multiply disciples for Christ. One-third of our world hasn’t heard the Good News of Jesus. Yet. Global Disciples refers to these as “least-reached” people, and fewer than 10% of all missionaries work among these groups. We live in a time where many of these people are within reach of a local church. Through our simple and effective strategy of training and coaching, believers share the Gospel in their own nations and cultures. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” and we’re committed to doing just that. If you are looking for a Christian mission organization to partner with to become a better disciple and help make disciples, connect with us today!

There is something powerful about a mother on a mission. Mothers are amazing people, aren’t they?

God gives them hands to touch with love and strength, and feet to take them where they are needed most. Arms to embrace in love or lift the weak. Minds and voices to guide, direct, encourage, and correct. Eyes to see need and ears to hear another’s joys or sorrow. And hearts to love their families, their communities, their God.

A Mother On A Mission

God includes mothers in His amazing work to nurture their children to know and follow him and reach out and nurture new spiritual generations. As Global Disciples, we hear stories of mothers who are part of what God is doing to birth, nurture, and raise His children of faith.

Sarah is one of those mothers on a mission. She came to Christ as a teenager in Tanzania. She pursued her walk with Jesus as she matured. Then, she married a young pastor, and they were blessed with several children. Together they planted churches along the coast, in a challenging Muslim region. Finances were difficult, and during a tough time, Sarah’s husband started an argument. He accused her of having a “poverty spirit”; and that he had not experienced “the blessing of God” since they married. Then he left her and their children.


Sarah was heartbroken; she and her children had almost nothing. Despite her husband’s cold words, she continued to hold onto the Lord, praying for His help. God answered, prompting her to study more. So, Sarah worked several jobs to feed her children and put herself through university. She became a teacher and enjoyed success in the city for a time.

Then she sensed the Lord leading her to take a teaching job in another region of Tanzania. It’s an area that is considered a center for witchcraft. People from around Tanzania and neighboring countries come to consult the witch doctors and practitioners. Even pastors come to seek help and sacrifice to “grow” their churches. Sarah believed the Lord wanted her there to make disciples and pray for people.

Global Disciples Helps

Sarah’s church cluster connected with Global Disciples and sent her to Discipleship training. She was equipped and then sent to start a discipleship-mission training program in this community steeped in witchcraft and spiritism.

God has opened doors, and Sarah is nurturing and equipping disciples of Jesus Christ. Her training program has become a church plant. Prayer is growing and it’s threatening the power of the witch doctors. They’re fighting back; Sarah is often threatened and opposed. The local authorities released her from her teaching job—not because of her performance but because of her faith in Jesus Christ.

This mother is on a mission—even if it means standing for Christ in a fiery furnace of opposition and spiritual warfare. We honor her as a woman of God and a spiritual mother to a new generation of God’s family in Tanzania.

Global Disciples Canada is a Christian mission organization that trains local leaders living near least-reached communities to multiply disciples for Christ. One-third of our world hasn’t heard the Good News of Jesus. Yet. Global Disciples refers to these as “least-reached” people, and fewer than 10% of all missionaries work among these groups. We live in a time where many of these people are within reach of a local church. Through our simple and effective strategy of training and coaching, believers share the Gospel in their own nations and cultures. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” and we’re committed to doing just that. If you are looking for a Christian mission organization to partner with to become a better disciple and help make disciples, connect with us today!

Jesus loves me this I know! Years ago in a university lecture hall, a student asked the well-known theologian Karl Barth if he could summarize his life’s work in theology in a sentence.

Barth replied, “Yes, I can. In the words of a song I learned on my mother’s knee: ‘Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.’”

In a very different world, Sina discovered that same truth.

Growing Up in Rwanda

She grew up in Rwanda in a family of seven children. When she was 9 or 10, the terrible Rwandan genocide began. Her father participated in one of the many massacres and he’s still in prison. Sina fled with her mother to the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo. While there, she was raped and became pregnant.

When she returned to Rwanda, misunderstandings separated her from her mother, and Sina became a prostitute—so she could feed herself and her child. That was her life. 

One day, Sina met a group of people talking about Jesus and sharing God’s Word in her community. They were disciple-makers trained in a local discipleship-mission training program launched with the help of Global Disciples. And visiting Sina’s community was part of their outreach.

“I have never known anyone who loves me.”

As they talked with her, she asked if it were true—did God really exist? And if He did, did He really love her?

Because, Sina said, “I have never known anyone who loves me.”

“Jesus loves me.” This simple yet profound truth reached into Sina’s heart and touched her soul. She saw Jesus as the One who loved her so much that He died for her. And she surrendered to Him as her Savior. Now she says she has peace in her heart. And Jesus is beginning the work of transformation in her life.

So many people in our world are like Sina. The details of their stories may change but the reality remains: They need to know that Jesus loves them. That He laid down His life for them to give them new life here…and for eternity. That’s the message you and I are called to share today.

Global Disciples Canada is a Christian mission organization that trains local leaders living near least-reached communities to multiply disciples for Christ. One-third of our world hasn’t heard the Good News of Jesus. Yet. Global Disciples refers to these as “least-reached” people, and fewer than 10% of all missionaries work among these groups. We live in a time where many of these people are within reach of a local church. Through our simple and effective strategy of training and coaching, believers share the Gospel in their own nations and cultures. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” and we’re committed to doing just that. If you are looking for a Christian mission organization to partner with to become a better disciple and help make disciples, connect with us today!

Prayer will change your life for good.

Yanick came in, walking with crutches. His legs, twisted and useless from birth, held his weight long enough to move his crutches one step forward. Then another. His friend had insisted he come to this meeting to be prayed for in the name of Jesus.

Born in a Muslim village in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Yanick had never met a group of Christ-followers. It was a small group.

Yanick was surprised to see several people he recognized. They talked about knowing Jesus, and a man taught from the Bible.

Yanick’s Story

Then someone asked Yanick if they could pray for Jesus to heal his legs. “Of course!” he agreed, but he nearly laughed at the question. After all, he had been born like this.

A short time later, Yanick walked out of the meeting carrying his crutches! And in the following days, he and many of his family and neighbors came to know Christ.

God does the impossible when we pray!

We hear stories like Yanick’s all the time. Miracles like this are quite common in places where people have never heard the Good News of Jesus.

Prayer And Global Disciples

As Global Disciples, we want all we do to be conceived, birthed, and carried out in prayer, believing that God transforms both our lives and the lives of others through prayer.

Transforming prayer takes us from self-centered, wish-list praying into a passionate pursuit of Jesus.

As we pursue intimacy with our Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit transforms our minds and reorders our priorities.

The Holy Spirit softens hearts, opens minds, and draws people into a relationship with Jesus.

Through prayer, God removes the blinders that keep people from seeing the light of the Gospel that displays the glory of Christ (2 Corinthians 4:4). Prayer is foundational to any evangelism or mission effort.

Prayer, Fasting & Commitment

We regularly practice prayer and fasting within Global Disciples and with our partnering churches and programs.

On the first Friday of each month, our staff, leadership, and the programs we serve in 71 countries, are asked to fast and pray for the people and trainings affiliated with Global Disciples. It’s been our pattern now since we launched in 1996.

We facilitate prayer teams sent to areas with little Gospel witness that need spiritual breakthroughs. God has honored those intercessors as they stand in the gap on behalf of people isolated from the Good News of Jesus.

Prayer Transforms!

Some on our Global Disciples team set alarms on their phones for 9:38 A.M. and 9:38 P.M.—a reminder to ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers (Matthew 9:38). We ask for Jesus to fill us with his compassion for the lost.

In prayer, your lives and ours are transformed as we delight in being co-laborers with Christ in the mission to which we have been called together. What an honor! May we continue to grow in prayer and see God doing immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine for His glory (Ephesians 3:20).

Global Disciples Canada is a Christian mission organization that trains local leaders living near least-reached communities to multiply disciples for Christ. One-third of our world hasn’t heard the Good News of Jesus. Yet. Global Disciples refers to these as “least-reached” people, and fewer than 10% of all missionaries work among these groups. We live in a time where many of these people are within reach of a local church. Through our simple and effective strategy of training and coaching, believers share the Gospel in their own nations and cultures. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” and we’re committed to doing just that. If you are looking for a Christian mission organization to partner with to become a better disciple and help make disciples, connect with us today!

A story of Buddhist monks embracing the good news of Jesus.

A group of young Buddhist monks, dressed in their saffron robes, joined a local karate class in Sri Lanka.

Theo, one of the monks, was struggling terribly. In his efforts to find peace for his soul, he had become addicted to marijuana.

Nothing brought him freedom.

Theo finally approached Kasun, the karate master, for help.

Kasun had the peace and confidence that Theo longed for. Kasun’s demeanor went beyond the years of karate discipline and study—he had surrendered his life to Jesus Christ.

Unlocking Peace with Global Disciples

And he had received Global Disciples training there in Sri Lanka.

Kasun had moved to a village that was 100% Buddhist after his Global Disciples training. He decided to offer karate classes to create opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus.

The response was overwhelming! And that’s how he met Theo and introduced him to the Gospel.

Theo, this Buddhist monk with no true understanding of Christ, came to know Jesus as his Savior and Lord through Kasun’s compassionate witness and this karate class.

The Good News

Then he started proclaiming the Good News of Jesus! Since he was still wearing the robe of a Buddhist monk, it made the local people very angry. So, he recanted his vows to Buddhism, shed his saffron robe, and received the same discipleship-mission training Kasun had taken.

Theo then went back to his home village to share the Gospel. His family members and many others came to Christ. Some experienced physical healing in the name of Jesus. Others were delivered from evil spirits when he prayed.  

When Sri Lanka—an island nation the size of West Virginia—slid into a humanitarian crisis in 2022, and food and fuel grew scarce, Theo, Kasun, and other disciples of Jesus went to work to help their communities find food and basic essentials. They continue to seek ways to share Christ’s love to those around them, even at great personal sacrifice.

Global Disciples Canada is a Christian mission organization that trains local leaders living near least-reached communities to multiply disciples for Christ. One-third of our world hasn’t heard the Good News of Jesus. Yet. Global Disciples refers to these as “least-reached” people, and fewer than 10% of all missionaries work among these groups. We live in a time where many of these people are within reach of a local church. Through our simple and effective strategy of training and coaching, believers share the Gospel in their own nations and cultures. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” and we’re committed to doing just that. If you are looking for a Christian mission organization to partner with to become a better disciple and help make disciples, connect with us today!

“A voice of one calling: ‘In the desert prepare the way for the LORD…’” (Isaiah 40:3‑5). Prayer changes everything. So what exactly is groundbreaking prayer?

Preparing the way of the Lord is critical if the Gospel is to penetrate regions still unreached with the Good News.

The influence of evil has been entrenched in many places for generations. When disciples of Jesus are few or nonexistent, Global Disciples affirms sending Groundbreaking Prayer Teams onsite to “prepare the way of the Lord.”

This is not a new approach.

In Luke 10, Jesus commissioned teams to go before Him and prepare regions for His ministry. These teams were called to pray—asking the Lord of the harvest to send forth workers—and to be a living demonstration of God’s kingdom and power where He had not yet been revealed. At the end of their assignment, Jesus described the impact of their ministry in the spiritual realm, saying, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” (Luke 10:18).

As we pray—with feet on the ground—we gain a heightened awareness of the nature and extent of the spiritual strongholds that blind and capture people’s spirits. Onsite prayer releases a deposit of faith in Jesus Christ into the land and the atmosphere of the area.

This past year, Global Disciples prayer leaders, program directors, and local intercessors undertook groundbreaking prayer in places like Indonesia, India, Mexico, Brazil, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Zambia, and Cameroon. Other trips included regions of Nigeria, Tanzania, and Myanmar.

When a prayer team in east Nepal conducted a regional Groundbreaking Prayer Trip, they prayed at a place known as Suicide Point. A tall tree overhangs a high cliff and many people have taken their lives by jumping from that spot. The intercessors prayed that this spirit of death would be replaced by life, and for salvation for the families grieving their lost loved ones.

From this high place, the prayer team could see surrounding villages. Our Global Disciples Program Director from the area pointed out that none of those villages had a church yet or even a small fellowship of believers.

The next day, the program director led a smaller team to one of the villages, to walk and pray and prepare the way for Jesus. “They met a lady called Rupa who was demonized,” our Regional Prayer Leader for Nepal reported. “The intercessors prayed and the demon left her. She gave her life to Christ. The Director and his team are meeting with her regularly.” Perhaps Rupa is the beginning of a new church in that unreached village!

Global Disciples currently has thirteen prayer leaders around the world, working to increase prayer groups and nurture movements in their region. The focus of these prayer groups is to give all people an opportunity to hear the love and truth of Jesus.

Groundbreaking Prayer is one strategy for which they are equipping prayer teams. Our Nepali leader said, “Please pray that all our prayer teams will organize Groundbreaking Prayer Trips locally.”

Global Disciples Canada is a Christian mission organization that trains local leaders living near least-reached communities to multiply disciples for Christ. One-third of our world hasn’t heard the Good News of Jesus. Yet. Global Disciples refers to these as “least-reached” people, and fewer than 10% of all missionaries work among these groups. We live in a time where many of these people are within reach of a local church. Through our simple and effective strategy of training and coaching, believers share the Gospel in their own nations and cultures. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” and we’re committed to doing just that. If you are looking for a Christian mission organization to partner with to become a better disciple and help make disciples, connect with us today!

So many people around the world face each day without knowing that God loves them. Or that His own Son, Jesus, died for them, and rose from the dead—all to give them hope and the opportunity to enjoy Him forever. How can we reach more people?

What can you and I do? Realistically, can we “reach least-reached people”? It’s a big question.

How can we reach the more than the 321 million Muslims of North Africa, and the Middle East—with little or no witness to Jesus Christ? That number of people is close to the entire population of the United States.   

What about China with 462 ethnic minority people who are considered unevangelized? There are only a few believers and churches within these groups. And only a small percentage of the 1.2 billion Han Chinese are followers of Christ. 

Then there are 1.1 billion Hindus in Nepal, India, and across South Asia. What can we do to point them to the one true God, among the thousands of Hindu gods? Or the 494 million people of Buddhist background, mainly in Southeast Asia, determined to find enlightenment—but never knowing Jesus, the Light of the World. 

Is there a way to reach the one-third of our world that is still waiting to hear the Good News of Jesus in a way they can respond? 

Yes, there is! We can work together to equip and mobilize the Body of Christ around the world. We can train and send out those who follow Jesus and who already live within reach of these unreached people groups.

These disciples have access to regions where North American Christians can’t go. But Muslims who have come to know Jesus can reach their people. Chinese Christians can. Former Hindus and Buddhists can share the freedom found in Christ with their people.

As Global Disciples, we focus on reaching those who have yet to hear the Good News of Jesus.

We believe one of the most effective ways to do this is by working with and through the global Body of Christ. Global Disciples work side-by-side with believers and indigenous churches around the world, we can be part of reaching those who have yet to hear the Good News of Jesus.

It’s a big job—a task that seems impossible. But with God, nothing is impossible.

Global Disciples Canada is a Christian mission organization that trains local leaders living near least-reached communities to multiply disciples for Christ. One-third of our world hasn’t heard the Good News of Jesus. Yet. Global Disciples refers to these as “least-reached” people, and fewer than 10% of all missionaries work among these groups. We live in a time where many of these people are within reach of a local church. Through our simple and effective strategy of training and coaching, believers share the Gospel in their own nations and cultures. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” and we’re committed to doing just that. If you are looking for a Christian mission organization to partner with to become a better disciple and help make disciples, connect with us today!

Throughout history, the Gospel message has been spreading to all corners of the world. From the apostles of Jesus Christ to modern-day evangelists, people have shared the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Here, we will explore why it is crucial to share the Gospel and how it can transform lives. 

What is the Gospel? 

The Gospel message is the core belief of Christianity. The good news that Jesus Christ came to earth to save us from our sins and reconcile us to God.

The word “Gospel” means “good news”. And it is the message that brings hope, peace, and salvation to those who believe in Jesus Christ.

The Gospel message begins with the understanding that all human beings have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Our sin separates us from God, and we cannot save ourselves.

But God, in His great love, sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins and rise again on the third day, conquering death and offering us eternal life (John 3:16).

As Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”

The Gospel message is a message of hope and salvation for all who believe in Jesus Christ. It is a message that we must share with the world.

The Urgent Call to Share the Gospel 

Jesus Christ gave His followers the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded. And surely, I am with you to the very end of the age.”

This commandment is not optional for believers. It is a call to action that we must very take seriously. 

In addition, the apostle Paul also emphasized the urgency of sharing the Gospel. In Romans 10:13-15, he wrote, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one whom they have not heard? …how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

We must understand, like Paul, that the Gospel message must be proclaimed so people can hear it. Then they have an opportunity to believe it, and be saved. He recognized that the Gospel message was not just for a select few but for all people. He thought it was every believer’s responsibility to share this message with those who had yet to hear it.

Transforming Lives 

The Gospel message has the power to transform lives. When people really connect with this message, they are given hope. They realize that they are not alone in their struggles. And begin to connect with a God who loves them and wants to save them. The Gospel message offers forgiveness for sins and a new life in Christ. 

In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul wrote, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” The Gospel message offers a new beginning for those who believe in Jesus Christ. It is a message of transformation that can change people’s lives forever. 

The Gospel message also has the power to bring people together. In Ephesians 2:14-16, Paul wrote, “For he is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.” 

Sharing the Gospel with My Neighbors

Have you ever felt intimidated by sharing your testimony? Sometimes, the idea of evangelism can be intimidating, especially when sharing the Gospel with our neighbours. However, sharing the Gospel with our neighbours can be one of the most effective ways to spread the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

A straightforward way to share the Gospel with our neighbours is to build relationships with them. We can show them love and kindness, take an interest in their lives, and be positively present in our community. As we build trust and rapport with our neighbours, we can look for opportunities to share our faith and the Gospel message with them.

We can also invite our neighbours to church events and activities, such as a community service project or a worship service. This can be a non-threatening way to introduce them to the Gospel message and allow them to experience the love and community of the church.

Ultimately, sharing the Gospel with our neighbours is about being intentional and prayerful. We must step out of our comfort zones and trust God to guide us in our evangelism efforts. When we share the Gospel with our neighbours, we sow hope and transformation that can impact lives for eternity.


The Gospel message is the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. But, friend, the urgency of this call cannot be overstated. People’s lives are at stake, and we have a message that can transform them. We must not keep this message to ourselves. Instead, we must be bold in sharing it with others. 

If you have a heart for sharing the Gospel and reaching people in their nations and cultures, consider partnering with Global Disciples Canada. Our simple and effective strategy of training and coaching gospel preachers has had a powerful impact on communities worldwide.

By supporting our mission, you can equip believers to share the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ with those who have never heard it. Join us in fulfilling the Great Commission and making disciples of all nations. Why no visit our website today to learn more about how you can get involved.

Global Disciples Canada is a Christian mission organization that trains local leaders living near least-reached communities to multiply disciples for Christ. One-third of our world hasn’t heard the Good News of Jesus. Yet. Global Disciples refers to these as “least-reached” people, and fewer than 10% of all missionaries work among these groups. We live in a time where many of these people are within reach of a local church. Through our simple and effective strategy of training and coaching, believers share the Gospel in their own nations and cultures. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” and we’re committed to doing just that. If you are looking for a Christian mission organization to partner with to become a better disciple and help make disciples, connect with us today!