Pray Powerfully for Canada Through These Biblical Tips
Canada is a magnificent country, filled with splendid scenery. The citizens are always friendly and embrace a peaceful way of life. We are not known for starting the conflict, and saying ‘sorry’ is a common way of expressing ourselves. Explaining you are Canadian is usually met with pleasant surprise and admiration. Yet despite Canada’s high esteem worldwide, our nation needs your petitions in upcoming prayer meetings.
Driving Home the Need
Mario Simard, a member of parliament, is fighting to get rid of the daily prayer that starts the House of Commons proceedings because he believes that Canada should be secular. The national trend is that Canadians are becoming more secular, which is reflected in the government. Even if the prayer is not voted out, it’s clear that secularism is becoming the norm in Canada.
In the Canadian province of Quebec, Bill 21 was recently passed, which forbids certain occupations from wearing any religious symbols or clothing. This is a major step towards removing religion from the public sphere. Additionally, Bill C-4 has been proposed, which could restrict the public discussion of gender, marriage, and sexuality according to the Bible. These two bills indicate the secularization of society, and the Church is preparing for the possible consequences of these laws.
Another alarming concern is that we celebrate assisted suicide. Betty Sanguin is an example of this, as she chose to end her life in her local Church in 2022 through medical assistance in dying (MAID). From March 2023, people with mental illness in Canada can access medical assistance in dying, meaning they can legally end their lives. This is worrying as it shows that some people who may need help and support instead choose to take their own lives.
How to Pray for Canada
Canada is undergoing an immense change in its legal environment, and the international Church should take this shift seriously. We must come together in prayer meetings nationwide as we embark on a new path.
Pray For Revival
We should pray for our country to experience a spiritual revival. Lets ask God to work in our hearts so that we can recognize His goodness and His power. We need to pray for an awakening of the Church to witness the power of Jesus’ message and the beauty of His love. Only then will our nation experience the dominion mentioned in Psalm 72:8 and live in the peace and joy of God’s presence.
Pray For God’s Sovereignty
We must put our faith in God, trusting He is the ultimate power in our lives and our nation. We have the right to use our voices to share our views and be involved in Canada’s direction, but ultimately our trust must be in the Lord. Just as Jesus told the Church in Philadelphia in Revelation 3:8, we, too, have limited power, but we can remain faithful to His word. We need to rely on prayer, believing that God is in control and will carry out His will, even if we don’t see it immediately.
Pray For Integrity
Prayer is necessary to remain steadfast in our faith, especially when the government or other powerful entities offer us financial incentives to compromise. Per Dwight Bernier in this Radical article, some churches were offered to do summer projects, but with a caveat. They had to agree to a statement opposing what Jesus taught to get the money. This was a quiet attempt to manipulate, much like Nebuchadnezzar did in the Bible.
Although it was only a small amount, some needed it desperately. Still, they had to choose between accepting the money and staying true to their beliefs. Shortly, this type of situation will likely come up again. We must rely on prayer to remain firm in our faith.
Pray For New Workers
Jesus taught us that asking for help from the Lord is essential. We can ask Him to provide workers from local and foreign churches willing to come to Canada and serve in His name. May we have faith and trust that He will answer our prayers and bring individuals to share their gifts and talents with the people of this great nation.
Seek Divine Courage
Prayer can help us overcome our fear. We all experience fear in one form or another, seemingly a constant presence among us in the Church. I’m not suggesting that we become bold and overconfident, but rather that we should trust in Christ’s assurance that He is with us and we have nothing to fear. We should live purposefully, sharing the Good News of our Savior and King, with whom we yearn to reunite.
Pray For Church Multiplication
Lastly, let us ask God to grant our churches an expansive outlook and ambition so that we can team up to spread the good news of the Gospel. May we have harmony in our purpose to spread the message of salvation to as many people as possible. Let us envision taking the Gospel into the world and not just building up our churches. May there be a multitude of gospel-centred communities throughout our nation so everyone can experience the love of Christ.
In Closing
We are so grateful for the prayers and support of those in the U.S. It would be amazing to have you come and experience the churches in need here for yourself. If you feel God is leading you to help, we would love to show you how you could make a difference in the lives of our very own fellow citizens.
Join Prayers with Global Disciples Canada
Global Disciples Canada is a Christian mission organization that trains local leaders living near least-reached communities to multiply disciples for Christ. One-third of our world hasn’t heard the Good News of Jesus. Yet. Global Disciples refers to these as “least-reached” people, and fewer than 10% of all missionaries work among these groups. We live in a time where many of these people are within reach of a local church. Through our simple and effective strategy of training and coaching, believers share the Gospel in their own nations and cultures. Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” and we’re committed to doing just that. If you are looking for a Christian mission organization to partner with to become a better disciple and help make disciples, connect with us today!

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