Share Mission Stories Safely
It is one thing for a missionary or local worker in a restricted country to suffer persecution because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is quite another matter if they are put in harm’s way by the unwitting sharing of their impact by Christian brothers and sisters half a world away.
How does your church communicate about what God is doing overseas in a way that does not put our brothers’ and sisters’ safety and ministry at risk?
How do we use technology wisely in communicating with the Body at large?
Global Disciples Canada is committed to training leaders living near least-reached communities to multiply disciples. Many of these people are highly motivated to go and make disciples among least-reached people living in their nations and nearby regions.
While doors are opening for the Gospel to spread in remote parts of the world, there are still many nations that are closed to the Gospel and restricted for mission workers, including both expats and nationals.
That is why we have created this free e-book to equip people just like you to share the powerful stories of transformation and life change effectively without putting the safety of our brothers and sisters at further risk.
In this book you will learn about effective best practices of communicating what God is doing among least-reached people by understanding…
- Social Media Restrictions
- Public Use of video or photography content
- How to use mission workers names
- What details to share and what details to avoid
We have also included a helpful checklist for sharing mission stories safely.
Thank you for sharing our heart and passion for Jesus’ Great Commission to reach the least, the last and the lost.

“What God is doing through local leaders worldwide to plant churches among unreached people groups is astounding! The last thing we want to do is put any of these leaders in harm’s way but naively disclosing too much information.”
– Kevin Snyder, Lead Pastor, Coasthills Community Church
“Hearing stories of transformed lives and communities is an encouragement not only to our leadership, but also to our church family, that we’re investing in something that really does make a difference.”
– Nic & Sarah Arkley, Lead Pastors, Numa Church
Get your free copy of the Church Security Guidelines
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